nice work G and F for the being the smallest live aurelie to date. Hope it went swimmingly (Pun in-semi-tended). Euan, thankyou for your effulgent emailing, look forward to butting heads with rythmically with you like a couple of barcode battlers in rutting season. As for me, busy with uni ( got to try and understand Advanced Computational intelligence, or at least convince other people I have - might just try sticking AI on the dvd player on repeat.) With le force (two - Count em honky- singles out), vid editing for American rappers, beatwriting for English rappers, taking in some live jazz courtesy of the Sole. Featuring celling on a new realease by moody Leicestrians "Her Name Is Calla", a record which, according to some "raise the bar of post rock above wot their peers are doijng" (that would be the MILKY bar, and high enough to make a limbo dancer nervous) Myspace em.
Yes. greatly looking forward to the 9th. Tis the day of my last hand in so soundcheck could be tricky. But on the plus side I'll be in high spirits so expect some lager shandies and uberfunk to be dropped that night. Wont be pretty I tell thee. Seriously though - I have a sweet new pick up for the cello, plus a boss looper so expect some tasty layers of dave. Most of the layers will be driven by a virulent hatred of Russell Bloody Hand... I mean Brand, whose annoying smarmy loathsome lotharious visage adorns seemijgly every newspaper / tv set in the country, and now (apparently) America too. Poo head.
On a lighter note (you'll like this Glenn) I bumped into Gregg Lucas, one of my old lecturers last week, who casually informed me that he had heard that I had just bought a house in Burbage. Lies, damned lies and... well Burbage. make of taht what thou wilst.
And now, my gentles, I will say adieu. Peace and.